검색결과 : 10건
No. | Article |
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Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth's tropical forests Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, Affum-Baffoe K, Castilho C, Costa F, Sanchez AC, Ewango CEN, Hubau W, Marimon B, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Qie L, Sonke B, Martinez RV, Baker TR, Brienen RJW, Feldpausch TR, Galbraith D, Gloor M, Malhi Y, Aiba SI, Alexiades MN, Almeida EC, de Oliveira EA, Davila EA, Loayza PA, Andrade A, Vieira SA, Aragao LEOC, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets EJMM, Arroyo L, Ashton P, Aymard CG, Baccaro FB, Banin LF, Baraloto C, Camargo PB, Barlow J, Barroso J, Bastin JF, Batterman SA, Beeckman H, Begne SK, Bennett AC, Berenguer E, Berry N, Blanc L, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, Bonal D, Bongers F, Bradford M, Brearley FQ, Brncic T, Brown F, Burban B, Camargo JL, Castro W, Ceron C, Ribeiro SC, Moscoso VC, Chave J, Chezeaux E, Clark CJ, de Souza FC, Collins M, Comiskey JA, Valverde FC, Medina MC, da Costa L, Dancak M, Dargie GC, Davies S, Cardozo ND, de Haulleville T, de Medeiros MB, Pasquel JD, Derroire G, Di Fiore A, Doucet JL, Dourdain A, Droissart V, Duque LF, Ekoungoulou R, Elias F, Erwin T, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Fauset S, Ferreira J, Llampazo GF, Foli E, Ford A, Gilpin M, Hall JS, Hamer KC, Hamilton AC, Harris DJ, Hart TB, Hedl R, Herault B, Herrera R, Higuchi N, Hladik A, Coronado EH, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I, Huasco WH, Jeffery KJ, Jimenez-Rojas E, Kalamandeen M, Djuikouo MNK, Kearsley E, Umetsu RK, Kho LK, Killeen T, Kitayama K, Klitgaard B, Koch A, Labriere N, Laurance W, Laurance S, Leal ME, Levesley A, Lima AJN, Lisingo J, Lopes AP, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lovejoy T, Lovett JC, Lowe R, Magnusson WE, Malumbres-Olarte J, Manzatto AG, Marimon BH, Marshall AR, Marthews T, Reis SMD, Maycock C, Melgaco K, Mendoza C, Metali F, Mihindou V, Milliken W, Mitchard ETA, Morandi PS, Mossman HL, Nagy L, Nascimento H, Neill D, Nilus R, Vargas PN, Palacios W, Camacho NP, Peacock J, Pendry C, Mora MCP, Pickavance GC, Pipoly J, Pitman N, Playfair M, Poorter L, Poulsen JR, Poulsen AD, Preziosi R, Prieto A, Primack RB, Ramirez-Angulo H, Reitsma J, Reejou-Meechain M, Correa ZR, de Sousa TR, Bayona LR, Roopsind A, Rudas A, Rutishauser E, Abu Salim K, Salomao RP, Schietti J, Sheil D, Silva RC, Espejo JS, Valeria CS, Silveira M, Simo-Droissart M, Simon MF, Singh J, Shareva YCS, Stahl C, Stropp J, Sukri R, Sunderland T, Svatek M, Swaine MD, Swamy V, Taedoumg H, Talbot J, Taplin J, Taylor D, ter Steege H, Terborgh J, Thomas R, Thomas SC, Torres-Lezama A, Umunay P, Gamarra LV, van der Heijden G, van der Hout P, van der Meer P, van Nieuwstadt M, Verbeeck H, Vernimmen R, Vicentini A, Vieira ICG, Torre EV, Vleminckx J, Vos V, Wang O, White LJT, Willcock S, Woods JT, Wortel V, Young K, Zagt R, Zemagho L, Zuidema PA, Zwerts JA, Phillips OL Science, 368(6493), 869, 2020 |
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George Washington Carver for Kids: His Life and Discoveries with 21 Activities Bradford M Science, 366(6470), 1190, 2019 |
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Untitled Bradford M Science, 333(6051), 1824, 2011 |
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2009 VISUALIZATION CHALLENGE Nesbit J, Bradford M, Jones PL, Lucia A, Sabin JE, Palais R, Benard L, Beck D, Jacquet J, De Stefano M, Auletta A, Langella C, Friedberg J, Bielecki A, Starr H, Malone M, Thiemann C, Grady D, Hochleitner G, Gredel C, Sparwasser N, Jannis S, Dempsey W, Fredenburg R, Godwin D, Cham J, Olson E, Orlando D, Manning T, Kang SH, Pokroy B, Aizenberg J, Zach MP, Paves H, Ilau B, Taylor R, Whitaker BK, Carstens BL Science, 327(5968), 945, 2010 |
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What are the market opportunities for carbon dioxide? Bradford M, Beaubien R Hydrocarbon Processing, 87(7), 81, 2008 |
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Modelling faecal indicator concentrations in large rural catchments using land use and topographic data Crowther J, Wyer MD, Bradford M, Kay D, Francis CA, Knisel WG Journal of Applied Microbiology, 94(6), 962, 2003 |
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Controlling No-x emissions - Part 1 Bradford M, Grover R, Paul P Chemical Engineering Progress, 98(3), 42, 2002 |
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Environmental protection - controlling NOx emissions Part 2 Bradford M, Grover R, Paul P Chemical Engineering Progress, 98(4), 38, 2002 |
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Emerging opportunities for industrial chemicals Bradford M, Mielenz J Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 77-79, 579, 1999 |
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Session 1 - Thermal, Chemical, and Biological Processing Bradford M, Riley C Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 57-58, 1, 1996 |