검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 A generalized frictional and hydrodynamic model of the dynamics and structure of dense colloidal suspensions
Boromand A, Jamali S, Grove B, Maia JM
Journal of Rheology, 62(4), 905, 2018
2 Microstructure and rheology of soft to rigid shear-thickening colloidal suspensions
Jamali S, Boromand A, Wagner N, Maia J
Journal of Rheology, 59(6), 1377, 2015
3 Effect of nanoparticle aggregation at low concentrations of TiO2 on the hydrophilicity, morphology, and fouling resistance of PES-TiO2 membranes
Sotto A, Boromand A, Zhang RX, Luis P, Arsuaga JM, Kim J, Van der Bruggen B
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 363(2), 540, 2011