검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
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A 25,000-year tropical climate history from Bolivian ice cores Thompson LG, Davis ME, Mosley-Thompson E, Sowers TA, Henderson KA, Zagorodnov VS, Lin PN, Mikhalenko VN, Campen RK, Bolzan JF, Cole-Dai J, Francou B Science, 282(5395), 1858, 1998 |
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Tropical Climate Instability - The Last Glacial Cycle from a Qinghai-Tibetan Ice Core Thompson LG, Yao T, Davis ME, Henderson KA, Mosleythompson E, Lin PN, Beer J, Synal HA, Coledai J, Bolzan JF Science, 276(5320), 1821, 1997 |
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Late-Glacial Stage and Holocene Tropical Ice Core Records from Huascaran, Peru Thompson LG, Mosleythompson E, Davis ME, Lin PN, Henderson KA, Coledai J, Bolzan JF, Liu KB Science, 269(5220), 46, 1995 |