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Recent progress in the LC-MS/MS analysis of oxidative stress biomarkers Andries A, Rozenski J, Vermeersch P, Mekahli D, Van Schepdael A Electrophoresis, 42(4), 402, 2021 |
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Evaluation of DNA methylation markers and their potential to predict human aging Silva DSBS, Antunes J, Balamurugan K, Duncan G, Alho CS, McCord B Electrophoresis, 36(15), 1775, 2015 |
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Review of the CE-MS platform as a powerful alternative to conventional couplings in bio-omics and target-based applications Robledo VR, Smyth WF Electrophoresis, 35(16), 2292, 2014 |
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The determination of tissue-specific DNA methylation patterns in forensic biofluids using bisulfite modification and pyrosequencing Madi T, Balamurugan K, Bombardi R, Duncan G, McCord B Electrophoresis, 33(12), 1736, 2012 |
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Effect of choroidal blood flow on transscleral retinal drug delivery using a porous medium model Narasimhan A, Vishnampet R International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(21-22), 5665, 2012 |
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Using a Functional Nanogold Membrane Coupled with Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Detect Lead Ions in Biofluids Liu YC, Chiang CK, Chang HT, Lee YF, Huang CC Advanced Functional Materials, 21(23), 4448, 2011 |
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Corrosion resistance of pulsed laser-treated Ti-6Al-4V implant in simulated biofluids Zaveri N, Mahapatra M, Deceuster A, Peng Y, Li LJ, Zhou AH Electrochimica Acta, 53(15), 5022, 2008 |
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Simple shear, hysteresis and yield stress in biofluids Sun N, De Kee D Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 79(1), 36, 2001 |