검색결과 : 14건
No. Article
1 Graphene in the making
Pulizzi F, Bubnova O, Milana S, Schilter D, Abergel D, Moscatelli A
Nature Nanotechnology, 14(10), 914, 2019
2 Multiple Scale Dynamics in Proteins Probed at Multiple Time Scales through Fluctuations of NMR Chemical Shifts
Calligari P, Abergel D
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118(14), 3823, 2014
3 Toward the Characterization of Fractional Stochastic Processes Underlying Methyl Dynamics in Proteins
Calligari P, Abergel D
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(43), 12955, 2012
4 Probing Structural and Motional Features of the C-Terminal Part of the Human Centrin 2/P17-XPC Microcrystalline Complex by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Herbert-Pucheta JE, Chan-Huot M, Duma L, Abergel D, Bodenhausen G, Assairi L, Bouquit Y, Charbonnier JB, Tekely P
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(50), 14581, 2012
5 From NMR Relaxation to Fractional Brownian Dynamics in Proteins: Results from a Virtual Experiment
Calligari P, Calandrini V, Kneller GR, Abergel D
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(43), 12370, 2011
6 Toward Structural Dynamics: Protein Motions Viewed by Chemical Shift Modulations and Direct Detection of C' N Multiple-Quantum Relaxation
Mori M, Kateb F, Bodenhausen G, Piccioli M, Abergel D
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(10), 3594, 2010
7 Networks of coupled rotators: Relationship between structures and internal dynamics in metal-binding proteins. Applications to apo- and holo-calbindin
Dhulesia A, Abergel D, Bodenhausen G
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(16), 4998, 2007
8 Weak calcium-mediated interactions between Lewis X-related trisaccharides studied by NMR measurements of residual dipolar couplings
Nodet G, Poggi L, Abergel D, Gourmala C, Dong DX, Zhang YM, Mallet JM, Bodenhausen G
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(29), 9080, 2007
9 A Markov model for relaxation and exchange in NMR spectroscopy
Abergel D, Palmer AG
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(11), 4837, 2005
10 A simple model for NMR relaxation in the presence of internal motions with dynamical coupling
Abergel D, Bodenhausen G
Journal of Chemical Physics, 121(2), 761, 2004