
윤상준 공저 논문

No. Article
1 미이용 산림바이오매스 및 폐목재의 기포 유동층 Air 가스화 특성 연구
한시우, 서명원, 박성진, 손성혜, 윤상준, 라호원, 문태영, 문지홍, 윤성민, 김재호, 이은도, 정수화, 양창원, 이영우
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 57(6), 874, 2019
2 Ni/Ru-X/Al2O3 (X=K or Mn) 촉매를 이용한 바이오매스 가스화 타르의 수증기개질
오건웅, 박서윤, 이재구, 김용구, 라호원, 서명원, 윤상준
Clean Technology, 22(1), 53, 2016
3 Devolatilization characteristics of high volatile coal in a wire mesh reactor
Ra HW, Seo MW, Yoon SJ, Yoon SM, Kim JK, Lee JG, Park SB
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(9), 1570, 2014
4 저열량 바이오매스 합성가스의 혼소특성
윤상준, 김용구, 전창준, 이재구
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(5), 860, 2012
5 The utilization of microencapsulated phase change material wallboards for energy saving
Lee SH, Yoon SJ, Kim YG, Lee JG
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(11), 2206, 2011
6 분류층 습식 석탄가스화 기술
라호원, 이시훈, 윤상준, 최영찬, 김재호, 이재구
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 48(2), 129, 2010
7 Extraction of lanthanide ions from aqueous solution by bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid with room-temperature ionic liquids
Yoon SJ, Lee JG, Tajima H, Yamasaki A, Kiyono F, Nakazato T, Tao H
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(3), 350, 2010
8 The effect of additive chemicals on the viscosity of coal-petroleum coke-water slurry fuel for a gasification process
Yoon SJ, Choi YC, Lee JG
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(5), 1259, 2009
9 실험실 규모의 고정층 가스화기에서 오일샌드 코크스의 수증기 가스화 특성
윤상준, 최영찬, 이시훈, 이재구
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(1), 62, 2009
10 1톤/일 분류층가스화기에서 석탄과 석유코크스 혼합 슬러리의 가스화특성
윤상준, 최영찬, 홍재창, 라호원, 이재구
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(3), 561, 2008
11 Thermogravimetric study of coal and petroleum coke for co-gasification
Yoon SJ, Choi YC, Lee SH, Lee JG
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(3), 512, 2007
12 Development of building materials by using micro-encapsulated phase change material
Lee SH, Yoon SJ, Kim YG, Choi YC, Kim JH, Lee JG
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(2), 332, 2007
13 Experimental and theoretical study on the characteristics of vacuum residue gasification in an entrained-flow gasifier
Choi YC, Lee JG, Yoon SJ, Park MH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(1), 60, 2007
14 수소가스화기에서 석탄의 메탄화 반응 특성
이시훈, 윤상준, 최영찬, 김재호, 이재구
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44(6), 631, 2006
15 Characteristics of air-blown gasification in a pebble bed gasifier
Choi YC, Lee JG, Kim JH, Hong JC, Kim YK, Yoon SJ, Lee SH, Park MH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(3), 380, 2006