박상도 공저 논문
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Adsorptive separation of carbon dioxide by polyethyleneimine modified adsorbents Sharma P, Baek IH, Park YW, Nam SC, Park JH, Park SD, Park SY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(2), 249, 2012 |
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Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube on the electrical, morphological and mechanical properties of polypropylene/nickel-coated carbon fiber composites Lee YK, Jang SH, Kim MS, Kim WN, Yoon HG, Park SD, Kim ST, Lee JD Macromolecular Research, 18(3), 241, 2010 |
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연소전 이산화탄소 포집을 위한 N-methyldiethanolamine과 Piperazine 혼합 수용액의 이산화탄소 흡수 장원진, 윤여일, 박상도, 이영우, 백일현 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(6), 645, 2008 |
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MEA (monoethanolamine) 함침 메조포러스 물질을 이용한 CO2 회수 박예원, 백일현, 박상도, 이재욱, 박소진 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(6), 573, 2007 |
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BaTiO3 미세 분말의 수열합성 및 특성분석 박정훈, 박상도 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(5), 448, 2007 |
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Oxygen permeability and structural stability of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3.δ membrane Park JH, Park SD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(5), 897, 2007 |
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Sulfur removal from coal with supercritical fluid treatment Park JH, Joung YO, Park SD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(2), 314, 2007 |
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Enhancement of H2 Production by Combination with CO2 Absorption in Steam Methane Reforming in Bench Scale Yoon YI, Baek IH, Park SD Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(5), 842, 2007 |
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Preparation of Nanofluids Containing Suspended Silver Particles for Enhancing Fluid Thermal Conductivity of Fludis Cho T, Baek I, Lee J, Park S Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(3), 400, 2005 |
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탄소 나노튜브를 함유한 나노유체의 열전도도 증가 조태현, 박상도, 이영석, 백일현 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(5), 624, 2004 |
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BaTiO3 분말 합성에서 반응조건의 영향 박정훈, 박상도, 남성찬, 이해정 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(1), 10, 2004 |
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유·무연 혼합탄의 수소첨가 가스화반응특성 연구 차왕석, 백일현, 박상도 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(5), 570, 2004 |
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Polyacrylamide-co-acrylic acid를 이용하여 제조한 nanometer-sized silver-ethylene glycol colloid의 안정화 백일현, 조태현, 이종희, 박상도 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(4), 402, 2004 |
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압력변화 특성치를 이용한 역청탄의 수소첨가 가스화반응 특성 연구 차왕석, 백일현, 박상도 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 34, 2004 |
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회분식 장치를 이용한 아임계 및 초임계 조건에서의 Polyethylene Terephthalate(PET) 가수분해 특성 육현미, 박정훈, 박상도, 이철호 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 41(2), 249, 2003 |
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Kinetics of Cellobiose Decomposition under Subcritical and Supercritical Water in Continuous Flow System Park JH, Park SD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(6), 960, 2002 |
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Influence of Stoichiometry and Alkalinity on Barium Hexaferrite Formation via the Supercritical Water Crystallization Method Rho S, Park S Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(1), 120, 2002 |
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Preparation of Ba-Ferrite Particles Using the SuperCritical Water Crystallization Method Nam SC, Park SD, Kim GJ Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 7(1), 38, 2001 |
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초임계수 결정화법에서 반응온도 및 압력이 바륨페라이트 제조 특성에 미치는 영향 남성찬, 김건중, 박상도 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(4), 417, 2001 |
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연속식 장치를 이용한 아임계 및 초임계수하에서의 Cellulose 가수분해 특성 이우영, 박상도, 여상도 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(2), 257, 2001 |
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초임계수 결정화법에서 원료 농도비 및 반응시간이 바륨 헥사펙라이트 제조 특성에 미치는 영향 서순용, 노승묵, 박상도, 박소진 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(1), 75, 2000 |