이호인 공저 논문
No. | Article |
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Effect of CeO2 on CO removal over CeO2-modified Ni catalyst in CO-rich syngas Kim SH, Lee WD, Lee HI Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(4), 860, 2013 |
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The role of Fe on PtPd oxidation catalyst prepared by simultaneous and sequential incipient wetnesses Kim YS, Lim SJ, Kim YH, Lee JH, Lee HI Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(2), 720, 2012 |
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The catalytic performance of Ni/MgSiO3 catalyst for methane steam reforming in operation of direct internal reforming MCFC Li Z, Devianto H, Kwon HH, Yoon SP, Lim TH, Lee HI Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(3), 485, 2010 |
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Development of a multi-layered micro-reactor coated with Pt.Co/Al2O3 catalyst for preferential oxidation of CO Kim KY, Nam SW, Han JH, Yoon SP, Lim TH, Lee HI Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(6), 853, 2008 |
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Improvement of High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Performance with Phosphoric Acid-Doped Polybenzimidazole Ionomer Binder in Catalyst Layer Kim JH, Kim HJ, Lim TH, Lee HI Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(5), 850, 2007 |
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Effect of Surface Hydroxyl Groups of Pure TiO2 and Modified TiO2 on the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Aqueous Cyanide Kim JH, Lee HI Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 116, 2004 |
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Development of Au/CeO2 Catalysts for Preferential Oxidation of CO in PEMFC Shin WS, Jung CR, Han J, Nam SW, Lim TH, Hong SA, Lee HI Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(2), 302, 2004 |
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Rapid Sonochemical Synthesis of Spherical-shaped Mesoporous SBA-15 silica and Ti-incorporated SBA-15 Silica Materials Lee SK, Lee J, Joo J, Hyeon T, Ahn WS, Lee HI, Lee CH, Choi W Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(1), 83, 2003 |
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알칼리형 연료전지에서 산소환원에 미치는 촉매특성 박성기, 최재식, 이상화, 이호인 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(5), 549, 2003 |
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TiO2 광촉매에 의한 시안이온의 광산화반응에서 H2O2의 영향 손동락, 김재현, 이상화, 이호인 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(4), 391, 2003 |
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Photochemical Production of Hydrogen from Alkaline Solution Containing Polysulfide Dyes Lee SG, Kim JH, Lee S, Lee HI Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(6), 894, 2001 |
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K2SO4를 첨가한 V2O5/TiO2 촉매의 산화-환원 특성 및 비활성화 김영호, 이호인 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(8), 839, 2000 |
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고체 염기촉매와 그 응용 허진목, 박경일, 이호인 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(6), 553, 2000 |
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고체 염기촉매에 의한 아세톤의 Aldol 부가반응:Ca(OH)2, KOH-Ca(OH)2, NaOH-Ca(OH)2 허진목, 권혁회, 이호인 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(6), 667, 2000 |