- 장비 교정?
- 버즈79 (2018/02/19)추천0 조회수666
안녕하세요, 생명공학쪽에서 연구하고 있습니다.
제가 요번에 장비 교육을 들으면서 분석에 사용되는 기기 모두 교정해야된다고 들었는데요..
어디 연구실에서는 피펫 까지 교정한다네요??
꼭 받아야 하나요?
adamschule85 (2022-03-29 23:49:25)공감0
Calibration also covers the repair of an equipment that has gone out of calibration. For external calibration services, the calibration service usually provides a report that shows any mistakes in measurements made with the measuring device before and after the calibration. Calibration verification, depending on your application, may be an alternative for verifying instruments by comparing measurements taken with calibrated equipment against measurements taken with equipment whose calibration has expired. Expired Calibrated Instruments that do not generate the same readings as the Calibrated Instruments must be repaired by a calibration service specialist. Get this fun and exciting hunting games here for free.