Pure Component Properties
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Component Names and Formula
ID | 1764 | |
Name | PHOSGENE | |
CAS No. | 75-44-5 | |
Formula | CCl2O | |
CCl2O | ||
3D View |
Basic Properties
Molecular Wt. (WT) | 9.89164E+01 |
Normal Boiling Point Temp. (TB) | 2.80710E+02 K units |
Freezing Point Temp. (TF) | 1.45000E+02 K units |
Triple Point Temp. (TT) | NA |
Triple Point Press. (PT) | NA |
Critical Temperature. (TC) | 4.55150E+02 K units |
Critical Pressure (PC) | 5.67400E+03 kPa units |
Critical Volume (VC) | 1.90100E-01 m^3/kg-mol units |
Critical Compressibility (ZC) | 2.85023E-01 |
Accentric Factor (ACCF) | 2.05000E-01 |
Temperature Dependent Properties
Vapor Pressure | Coeff.s Available coefficients |
Heat Capacity (Ideal Gas) | Coeff.s Available coefficients |
Heat Capacity (Liquid) | NA |
Viscosity (Gas, Low P) | NA |
Viscosity (Liquid) | NA |
Themal Conductivity (Gas, Low P) | NA |
Themal Conductivity (Liquid) | NA |
Surface Tension | NA |
Liquid Properties
Partial Molar Volume (VOLP) | 6.908000E-02 m^3/kg-mol units |
Solubility Parameters (SOLP) | NA |
SRK accentric factor (WSRK) | NA |
COSTALD Characteristic Volume (VSTAR) | NA |
Rackett parameter (ZRA) | NA |
Aniline Point (ANP) | NA |
Enthalpy Data
H(formation,ideal gas)at 25 C | -2.211000E+05 kJ/kg-mol units |
G(formation,ideal gas) at 25 C | -2.069000E+05 kJ/kg-mol units |
Heat of Combustion, Gross form (HCB1) | NA |
Heat of Combustion, Net form (HCB2) | NA |
Molecular Properties
Van der Waals Volume (VDWV) | NA |
Van der Waals Area (VDWA) | NA |
UNIQUAC Ri Parameter (RI) | 2.353300E+00 |
UNIQUAC Qi Parameter (QI) | 2.088000E+00 |
Dipole Moment (DM) | 1.100000E+00 debye units |
Radius of Gyration (GYRAD) | NA |
Single Temperature Properties
Liquid Density (DENL) | 1.396129E-02 g-mol/cm^3 units |
Temperature of DENL (TDENL) | 2.930000E+02 K units |
Heat of Vaporizaiton (HVAP) | NA |
Temperature of HVAP (THVAP) | NA |
Surface Tension (SRF) | NA |
Temperature of SRF (TSRF) | NA |
Dielectric Constant (DIEL) | NA |
Temperature of DIEL (TDIEL) | NA |
Refractive Index (RFI) | NA |
Temperature of RFI (TRFI) | NA |
Hazardous Data
Lower Flammability Limit(FLL) | NA |
Upper Flammability Limit(FLU) | NA |
Flash Point (Open Cup Method) | NA |
Flash Point (Closed Cup Method) | NA |
Autoignition Temperature (AIGT) | NA |
NFPA Rating (Health) | |
NFPA Rating (Fire) | |
NFPA Rating (Safety) |